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WaterWipes Pure Love Film Launch

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On Monday I had the pleasure of attending and mc’ing the WaterWipes Pure Love Film Launch.

Pippa WaterWipes Selfie

The first few weeks of a baby’s life can be daunting for new parents. New research shows that the percentage of new mums who feel confident about looking after their baby drops by nearly 10% in the first few days of bringing their baby home.

A new film by WaterWipes, commissioned for its #PureLove campaign, aims to boost this confidence by proving to new mums just how amazing their bodies are. The film captures an experiment by world-renowned ‘skin to skin’ expert Dr Susan Ludington that shows the science behind skin to skin and the natural power a mum has to care for her baby.

Using heart rate, oxygen and breathing monitors as well as an infrared technology to capture body temperature, three new mums allowed Dr Susan Ludington to monitor their days’ old babies as they held them in a swaddled position and then by holding them skin to skin on the chest.** All three mums witnessed how this skin to skin contact regulated their baby’s breathing, heart rate, oxygen levels and temperature within five minutes of being held in this position.

I really love the sentiment of the film that’s been made by WaterWipes. It’s so emotional but also so reassuring for new Mums, the message simply being ‘All baby needs is you’.

View the film here


From my own experience of having my 2nd son Louis 7 weeks ago I know how important and precious skin to skin is with your new baby.
Louis was handed to me after a few minutes of being born, he was wrapped up and had that brand new cry- I think they sound like little seagulls at that stage.

The moment we put him directly onto my chest he calmed down.  That initial contact is so magical, a moment any new mum will tell you they’ll never forget.
Even now when Louis is unsettled I’ll place him on my chest, the skin to skin contact nearly always settles him.

Our bodies are extraordinary- it’s so comforting to know you have the power to regulate baby’s biology simply by holding your baby skin to skin.

Now if only we could press pause and have them stay so little and so dependent a little longer 😉

Much love


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