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Hello 2015! I’m ready for you!!

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So long 2014, overall a year that I’m happy to say goodbye to. The lows were devastating to say the least… But what I have taken from the past few months is this-

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I am stronger than I ever thought possible.

I have done things and gotten through days and thought how the hell did I just do that.

I have done things in my career that I wasn’t ready for, did anyway and did well.

I have learned what it’s really like to lose somebody you adore. That pain is indescribable but the positive I’ve taken from this is to properly appreciate the people I love and to not waste time on any toxic people or people that don’t actually care about me. They don’t deserve a place in my life.

I have learned to stop being scared and doubting myself so much- I now know that if you want something you do it now! Time doesn’t wait. If something doesn’t happen for me it’s because I don’t want it enough. I now know that what I want to achieve will absolutely happen because that’s what I really want.

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I don’t give anything up for New Years- I rather set goals. (I mean why would you give up chocolate if it makes you happy? No thanks!!!) It’s healthy to have goals, whether they’re big or small- they keep you going and they keep you motivated.

Your goals could be simple like learning to bake, reading with your children more, or going for more walks. Either way it’ll be good for your brain and good for the soul.

I’m feeling more positive and motivated about this year than ever before- probably because I’ve lost my Mum. It’s really made me see things in a different light.

This year I’m looking forward to traveling, spending more time with family and friends, and fulfilling a big career goal of mine!

All because these things make me happy.

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People use the term “life is too short” everyday but do we actually put our words into action? Mostly not I would say.

It can be scary to make changes, it’s scary to leave a job you’re not fulfilled in or to get out of a relationship that brings you down or to set a big goal that frightens you but you owe it to yourself to make the most of YOUR life. You deserve the best! Everybody has the ability it’s about having the courage.

I wish you all a happy and more importantly healthy new year. Be kind to yourself and everyone else along the way.

If today you’re thinking about things you’d like to achieve and you begin to doubt yourself – stop it! If you don’t believe in yourself how can anybody else?

Go for it!

From small beginnings come great things!

Much love


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