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Goodbye 2013

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I took a little break from posting last week to just relax and enjoy Ollie’s first Christmas.
That we definitely did! Like everyone else I ate rings round me, drank lots of mulled wine and just enjoyed family life.
Like I said, it was Ollie’s first Christmas, he’s 8 months old now. He obviously was oblivious to the whole thing but we were still excited for him, mind you on Christmas Day he was extra smiley and in great form. He loved ripping open the wrapping paper, he didn’t care what was inside! Santa brought him a wooden house that you put shapes into. He loves it now, he keeps turning the wooden box upside down and spilling out the shapes.
On Christmas Day we had a full house. 12 adults and 3 kids! It was a great day full of laughter.
Since then and now we’ve relaxed at home, I met with my best friends from school for lunch , we treated ourselves to a couple of nights away with friends in the Powerscourt hotel .. Oh and I got a massage while I was there which was so amazing. My back is so sore from lifting Ollie, he is so heavy. So I badly needed that. It’s been a lovely Christmas overall. Very different to usual. I think once you have a baby it all changes, Christmas is all about kids really, I’m looking forward to when Ollie knows about Santa and all the fun and magic that comes with it. I won’t wish these months away though. I’m loving him at this age. He’s so sweet.

2013 was such a quick year for me. Once April came and I had Ollie the rest is just a blur. I think you have an outer body experience after you have a baby- those first few months just flash before your eyes. Recently I was looking back at all the photos I’ve taken since he was born. It’s unbelievable how much we’ve done, places we’ve visited since then. Yet it still seems like yesterday that we brought this little person home for the first time.

I was trying to think of my highs and lows of 2013, obviously becoming a Mum was my highest point. I’ll never forget the moment I saw him for the first time and this feeling of love I’ve never felt before.
Thankfully I had no major low points this year, I don’t think I can count general exhaustion and sleep deprivation as a low point. That’s just a bit of temporary torture that comes with babies!! 😉
Career wise I’m happy with 2013, I got to work consistently throughout my pregnancy, and I’ve been very fortunate since having Ollie too. I’ve done some great shoots and got to work with some amazing brands, I did take a back seat a little to find my feet with my new role.

So in 2014 I’ll be back with a bang!
I’m really excited about a few projects that have come my way – So fingers crossed they manifest. I plan on working hard to make things happen. Oh and I’ll turn 30 in 2014 so ill be embracing that too! 😉

At the moment I’m reading HERO by Rhonda Byrne. I enjoyed The Secret too. I’d really recommend this latest one though.
It’s very inspiring and really makes you think about life and your goals. Everything you’ve achieved in your life you’ve made happen through your thoughts, by dreaming them.

I really like this quote from Hero..

“As the saying goes .. Don’t die with music still inside of you!.. People have things they dream of when they lay their head on the pillow at night. And if you don’t honour that voice, it doesn’t go anywhere. It’s an energy that lives inside of you. You can’t negate that energy. It’s part of the finer of who you are as a person. So if you put your head down on the pillow at night and you are called to do something in this world and you ignore that, then that dream is still locked inside of you. To me that is the worst thing, to die with music inside of you”

Wishing you all a very happy and healthy New Year.
I hope you make 2014 count!

Lots of love
Pippa x

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Goodbye 2013

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Goodbye 2013

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Goodbye 2013

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Goodbye 2013

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Goodbye 2013

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Goodbye 2013

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