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20 things I’ve learned since becoming a Mother!

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1. Take people’s advice on how to do things for your baby with a pinch of salt. As good as people’s intentions are, everybody is different. What works for someone doesn’t mean it’ll work for you and your baby, and vice versa.

2. It’s okay to make mistakes; nobody’s the “perfect” parent.

3. Do not buy your baby or toddler markers for colouring; they’ll inevitably end up on your cream carpet!! Instead get those twistable crayons.

4. Ignore people who say things like “oh enjoy your sleep while you can” or “that’ll be the end of your social life”… Firstly nobody needs to hear the negativity, especially first time Mums. Secondly that’s not true either!


5. When you’re having a really hard day with a sick, tired or hungry baby (I literally thought there was something wrong with Ollie- he never stopped feeding!!) Remember  … This too shall pass!

6. I can now get ready in 10 minutes if I really want to!

7. I now realise the amount of time I must have wasted prior having to having a baby. What the hell was I doing with my time? To think I could have been doing really productive things instead of drinking tea and reading magazines!

8. You’re compromising skills with a 2 year old become second to none!

9. Who knew I’d become a secret eater! I’m constantly having biscuits and chocolate on the sly hoping he won’t notice.


10. The world is a new, big, scary and exciting place for them. Try seeing it from their point of view.

11. I now have patience I never knew existed.

12. Things that worried me or that seemed important before having him really aren’t that important anymore.

13. Every parent struggles with the juggle of it all. It’s hard. People just don’t share that part on social media.

14. Traveling with a baby becomes a whole new ball game.

15. Bath time and snuggle time is important but so is ‘me’ time! Preferably with a glass of wine!!

16. You’ll appreciate every date night and night out more from now on.

17. Reading to your baby from a young age is one of the best things you could do for them.


18. Sometimes it’s just easier to go the supermarket alone!

19. Having a shower with an audience is just standard now!

20. Once you become a Mother you really realise how much you’re own Mum did for you. So appreciate them dearly ❤️


I Hope you like my list… I’m sure there’s loads more I could add if I thought about it! What have you learned?

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