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10 ways to banish the January Blues!

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Hi Everyone!

You know I’m all about positive thinking and looking on the bright side of life! But! Today has been named ‘Blue Monday’ (new to me) – it’s seemingly the most depressing day when people loose their mojo with the whole “New Year, new me” and generally just feel a little blue!

So with that in mind, I thought it would be fun to do a positive post to banish the January blues. Here are some ideas to keep you happy and smiling…

1. Meet a friend for coffee or lunch.

Sometimes it’s just good to sit and have a chat with a friend- someone who will listen and lift your spirits.


2. Have a cinema date.

If you’re doing dry January, a night out to the cinema is a good alternative. I saw Taken 3 recently – it’s a little far fetched but I enjoyed it. The pick’n’mix is my favourite part!!


3. Invite the girls over.

A good way to have a great night without it costing too much is have a girls night in- have a pamper session / watch a movie / everyone bake or bring a treat / exchange beauty products. You’re sure to have a great laugh!

girly chats

4. Plan a holiday / weekend break

It’s great to have something to look forward to- whether it’s a weekend away or a summer holiday, it’ll keep you going on days when you’re feeling down.


5. De clutter!

As much as I hate the thoughts of starting I love when I have the task done.

Clean out your wardrobe, get rid of anything you haven’t worn in 12 months – trust me you won’t wear it!! Give it to charity. You’ll feel great and you’ll have done a good deed.

carrie shoes

6. Set a few achievable goals

If you haven’t made any new year goals yet it’s never too late to start.

They can be simple ones … Walking/Running once a week with a friend/group. Painting your kitchen. Learning to drive. Whatever it is that’ll make you happy – do that!

hobby7. Wrap up & go for a long walk

Sometimes the best thing to do to clear your mind is to go for a long walk – not only does it give you some ‘me time’, it can help sort out your thoughts.


8. Buy yourself some flowers

Last week I bought myself a bunch of tulips and I’m still admiring them. It’s nice to buy yourself flowers that you can enjoy at home. Plus they add colour to your kitchen!


9. Have a bath

Run a big bubble bath, light some candles, pour a glass of wine, close the door and just relax!


10. Online shopping! 

Probably my personal favourite thing to do and it’s guaranteed to cheer you up.

online shopping

Lots of love and positivity,


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